Profile of Rie Goushi Fine Art Photography

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Rie Goushi Fine Art Photography Last Updated 2016-05-01

Solo Exhibitions and Group Exhibitions.

2015,Oct: Group show in Malta.
2015, Aug: Art Event Shimane 2015 at Art Museum Takeshita-Seika-Kojo, Shimane Japan. (8/1〜8/31)
2015, Apr: Competition of Kokuga-Sosaku Kyokai at The National Art Center, Tokyo. (4/29〜5/11)
2014, May: New Opening Exhibition at ART Concept DEN, Berlin Germany
2014, Mar: Berlin meets Tokyo, Gutshaus Steglitz, Berlin Germany
2013, Sept: Poster Haris Gallery, Solo exhibition Tokyo
2013, Sept: The Winner's Exhibition at Gallery DEN, Berlin Germany
2013, Apr: Brandenburg Havelland Japan Fair, Rathenow, Germany
2013, Mar: Nuclear Power Station(a tentative title), Gallery DEN, Berlin Germany
2013, Jan: Japan Festival Berlin, URANIA Berlin e.V. An der Urania Berlin, Germany
2012, Dec: Shahin BAR shiro&kuro,Group Exhibition ,Tokyo
2012, Oct: Exhibited in Group show at Cross Road Gallery,Tokyo
2003: Library Hotel Sendai,With Ando gallery project, Solo Exhibition, Sendai Japan
1996: Suikato Gallery Solo Exhibition,Tokyo
1984: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, Japan, America modern art exhibition,Tokyo
1980, Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, JAALA,The third World and us Exhibition,Tokyo
1980: Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum(Gendai Artist Center), solo Exhibition ,Tokyo
1979: The Ueno Royal Museum, Competition of Nikkikai Art association,Tokyo
1978: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, JAALA,The Exhibition for Restoration of Human Being and Nature,Tokyo
1978: Tokyo Metropolitan Museum, The Exhibition for Restoration of Human Being and Nature,Tokyo
1978: Tokyo Ueno Royal Museum,Competition of Nikkikai Art association, Tokyo
1977: Gallery LUNAMI, group Exhibition,Tokyo
1976: Dogenzaka Gallery, group Exhibition,Tokyo

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